Advanced Class To Build Powerful Web Applications Easily Without Coding (May 25,26 &27)

Training Date: 
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
A Unique Oportunity, Don't Miss Out!
An Advanced Class to
Build Powerful Web Applications Easily
Without Coding

Gain Confidence, Sharpen your Skills and Become an Expert!

Learn Advanced Drupal Features to Maximize Your Productivity When Building Web Applications!


  • Learn algorithms to decompose a complex problem into a set of simple steps
  • Advanced concepts of Drupal API/CCK and templating system
  • Advanced usage of rules, views and panels. Extend Drupal functionalities with fewer modules
  • Develop a more complex application: Punch.NG Clone
  • Still Codeless

Join us on the 25th, 26th & 27th of May for an INTENSIVE 3-day boot camp that empowers you to be a web developer with Drupal CMS.

The weekend crash course is 100% PRACTICAL.

A fully functional web application would be built collectively.
VENUE: GEM Building, KLM 2 Ojoo-Arulogun road, Along Odogbo Barracks road, Ojoo, Ibadan FEE: #20,000
To reserve a seat, fill the form below and click on the CLICK TO REGISTER button

Course Level: 

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